Welcome to St Paul's Church, Shipley!
At St Paul’s, we love making connections and we hope that our website will help you to connect with us.
St Paul’s Church is a Christian community based in Shipley with many friends around the world. Our website helps you to see what we are doing, to pray for us and also to donate to our ministry and mission. We are a welcoming and inclusive community who look forward to meeting you in person. In the meantime, have a look around our website and connect with us online!
We publish a monthly ‘What’s On’ blog post with information about our upcoming Sunday and weekday worship services (including live stream links), prayer meetings, and other group activities and events taking place at St Paul’s. This is available to view on our headline slider at the top of the homepage. From the homepage, you can also go directly to our YouTube channel for live streamed services, view our events calendar, find out about our online giving options and connect with us via our social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube). Use the drop down menu at the top of the homepage to navigate to the many other areas of the website.
Please get in touch via the Contact Us page if you would like to know more.