How to Give
At St Paul’s we aim to be a generous community. This is because we believe in a generous God who gives his love unconditionally to all people. When we say in our vision statement that we are a welcoming and inclusive community, we try to reflect God’s generosity and love. For the church to be able to live out our vision, we need as many people as possible to be on board, not only with volunteering, befriending, community building and participating, but also with financial giving.
Donate Online
Click the button below, or scan the QR code, to donate via our secure donation platform ‘Give A Little’. Choose to make a single donation or set up monthly donations. If you are a UK tax payer, don’t forget to add Gift Aid to boost your donation by 25% (at no extra cost to yourself)!

Other Ways to Give:
- Regular monthly giving via standing order (this is the recommended way to give) – please download and complete our Standing Order Mandate and return to your bank or building society, or use our bank details below to set up a standing order using online banking:
St Paul’s Parish Church, Shipley
Account no: 81331531
Sort code: 40-41-44
- One-off donations via ‘Give A Little’ on our donation device in church
- Weekly giving via envelopes (cash or cheque) in church
- Weekly giving via the collection plate (cash or cheque) in church
- One-off monetary gifts, which can be ear-marked for specific areas of ministry within the church (cash, cheque or online payment)
- Remembering St Paul’s Church in your will
If you are a UK taxpayer, you can also download our Gift Aid Declaration Form and boost your donation by 25% at no extra expense to yourself. Once you have set up your standing order or made a one-off gift, please contact us so that we can identify your gift and thank you for your generosity.
A Message of Thanks
We are grateful to all who have given financially to the church over the years. The money goes to the upkeep of the building, the resourcing of activities, services and events, the payment of clergy (via the Diocese), hospitality, service to the local community and so much more. As well as being a registered charity ourselves, we also support a number of local and global mission organisations and charities, which you can find out more about on our Working with Others page.
However and whatever you give, you can trust that every financial gift to St Paul’s is received with gratitude and will make a huge difference to our mission and ministry in Shipley. When we look at our budget for 2025, our expenditure is considerably higher than our income. Therefore, it is more urgent now than ever that all church members review their giving and, where possible, increase it a little. We also welcome all initiatives to fund raise for St Paul’s Church. All your giving will help St Paul’s Church to continue to reflect God’s generosity in our community.