Children & Young People

Groups & Activities: Children and Young People

St Paul’s provides a home to a variety of regular groups and activities aimed at children and young people, details of which you will find below.

Toddler Group

Toddler Group runs every Monday morning from 9.30-11.15am during term time. Babies, toddlers and pre-school age children will find a great selection of toys, books and a weekly craft activity to entertain them, whilst their parents and carers can enjoy a catch up with friends, tea, coffee and cake. Water, juice and a selection of healthy snacks are also provided for the children.

Messy Church

Messy Church is held at various times throughout the year at St Paul’s – most recently on Saturday afternoons. It is aimed at families with children of all ages who want to experience church in a fun, creative, celebratory and welcoming environment. A typical Messy Church event might involve playing games, getting involved in craft activities, story-telling, singing songs and listening to music. A light meal and drinks are also provided. Messy Church is a free event run by volunteers. However, donations towards our running costs are always gratefully received.


First Shipley Rainbows meet at St Paul’s on Monday evenings from 6-7pm during term time. Rainbows is part of the Girlguiding Movement and is aimed at girls aged 5-7 years old. It is an opportunity for girls to develop self-confidence, build friendships, learn new things and, above all, have a lot of fun with girls their own age. For more information about registering your daughter to join Rainbows, please click here.


First Shipley Brownies meet at St Paul’s on Wednesday evenings from 6-7.15pm during term time. Brownies is the next step in the Girlguiding journey and follows on from Rainbows. It is aimed at girls who are 7-10 years old and is all about fun, friendship and adventure. It’s about trying new things that teach girls about themselves, their communities and their world. For more information about registering your daughter to join Brownies, please click here.


First Shipley Guides meet at St Paul’s on Wednesday evenings from 7.30-9pm during term time. Guides follows on from Brownies and is aimed at girls aged 10-14 years old. Guides take part in an exciting and varied programme which is designed to inspire and challenge, whilst making great friends along the way. For more information about registering your daughter to join Guides, please click here.

For more information about any of the groups and activities listed above, please get in touch via the Contact Us page.

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